Bankruptcy Blog

Consumer Debt Hits Record High: $16.9 Trillion

Consumer debt has risen to a record high. This data includes, mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. Delinquencies on these categories are also on the rise.

What does this mean?

It means you’re not alone. Much of America is struggling with debts. Much of America is defaulting on their mortgages, car loans, and credit cards.

How can I solve my debt problem?

Bankruptcy can help. Bankruptcy is designed to help cure defaults on your mortgage, car loans, and credit cards.

YOU DON’T HAVE TO STRUGGLE ANY MORE. Solving your debt problems is why bankruptcy exists. It’s specifically designed to help you! Don’t have another sleepless night – Call/Text/Email me to schedule a FREE consultation.

Thanks For Reading,

Lucas Ruffing
740-815-1114 (call/text) (email)



Lucas Ruffing